Fiji National Parks – Six to Visit
Fiji has an environment that is unique, unspoiled and beautiful. It is a great destination for travel and leisure as it has numerous natural sceneries to offer as well as fun activities to experience. A trip to Fiji would not be complete or worth if one does not experience a visit to any of the six Fiji National Parks. The National Trust of Fiji is mandated to manage the six national parks in Fiji. The parks offer a traveller the chance to enjoy their natural beauty, abundant wildlife, hiking trails and natural scenery. Below are some of Fiji’s National Parks that are highly recommended for inclusion in your holiday itinerary.
Koroyanitu National Park
Koroyanitu National Park is a great and amazing national park that is found in Viti Levu based in the area of Nadi. This Park offers its visitors the possibility of taking walks during the day or night. In this Park, it is possible to get accommodation as there is a scenic lodge within the Park as well as a camping site. The Park offers its visitors great hiking trails which pass through local villages that are fascinating and charming and offer the visitors a chance to view the beautiful natural scenery that the Park offers. The trails focus largely on eco-tourism. Spending time in this Park is highly recommended as it is a great experience.
Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park
In the same area of Viti Levu, there is a four-mile Sand Dunes expanse that is strategically located along the Coastline. The Sand dunes are impressive and windswept making them beautiful and make this National Park one of Fiji National Parks to visit when in Fiji. While in the Park, one has the opportunity to learn more facts about the region, its ecology and its rich history. The area is also well served with several nature trails that present visitors with the opportunity to venture the sand dunes well as well as view some pottery relics that are ancient.
The Sigatoka Sand Dunes were the first to be designated as the first National Park in Fiji. They form a very unique feature of the National Heritage of Fiji and cover about 650 hectares of natural beauty that is outstanding. It is viewed as the first milestone in the quest for Fiji’s environmental conservation and management drive.
Colo-i-Suva Forest Reserve
Taking a drive that lasts about 20 minutes from the area of Suva leads one to the Colo-i-Suva Forest Reserve. The walking trails that stretch about six kilometres find their home here in this reserve. The walking trails take visitors through an awesome journey in the natural rainforests whose sight is stunning and breathtaking. In the same reserve, there are a number of small waterfalls present. The reserve also offers an incredible bird life for avid birdwatchers to enjoy and native plants. The scenic outlooks the reserve offers are stunning to say the least. There is an area that is beyond the Colo-i-Suva, a gorgeous region that has retained most of the traditional character it had. Naitasiri and another area called Namosi is the best bet for visitors who would fancy experiencing the Fiji of the old’.
Visitors ought to brace themselves for bad weather and frequently flooded roads. It is also important to note that even though the area is open for tourists, they ought to observe all village protocols as it is a traditional countryside. Visitors are expected to ask permission from the chief before they set to explore the present Yaqona and it is recommended top take a guide with you.
Bouma National Park
Bouma National Park is based in the Tavueni Island, which is very beautiful and is christened as the garden island’ for its lush, green and verdant environment. In the Bouman National Park, it is possible for visitors to enjoy three hikes during the day that are out of this world. It is possible to visit and experience the Lavena Coastal Walk, Vidawa Rainforest Hike and the Tavoro Waterfalls. There is a more rough’ hike trail that goes through the Park up to Lake Tagimoucia. This walk presents an opportunity to enjoy the awesome sight of a rare flower called Tagimoucia in full bloom especially during the months of September through to December.
Nausori Highlands
This refers to an inland area which is characterized by impressive volcanic peaks, valleys and hills. This highlands are found in the area of Nadi on Viti Levu. These highlands offer anyone visiting them a spectacular view across the Southern Yasawa Islands and the Mamanuca Islands. For most of the year the hills are sunburnt grassland but they become green lush valleys from the months of December up to April when the area experiences a wet season.
Lovoni Trail
Lovoni trail is found in the Ovalau Island where some tropical mountains exist just behind Levuka. In the same area, there exist some walking trails that most visitors find to be amazing, great waterfalls as well as swimming holes. Lovoni trail, of all Fiji National Parks, is the best in terms of convenience. It is possible to access it if one were to take a short walk from Levuka town. Levuka is a fascinating and historic town in its right. This trail presents a great adventure and challenge to hikers who enjoy some hiking adventure and challenge through its day trek to a village located in the middle of the Ovalau Island called Lovoni. The Lovoni village is conspicuous and a feature not to be missed during the hiking adventure.
All the above are the six Fiji National Parks that ought not to be missed during your trip to Fiji. They offer visitors so much variety and unforgettable experiences and it is highly recommended that none should be excluded when planning a holiday in Fiji. The Parks portray Fiji’s culture and help trace the origin of the various cultures present today as well as preserve the country’s natural beauty. This Parks are important as they form part of educational and recreational facilities for present generations as well as the future generations as the National Trust of Fiji aims to preserve them for the future generations.